Ultracapacitor Wind Retrofit
Replace pitch system Sealed Lead Acid batteries with no maintenance ultracapacitors on GE 1.x and 2.x wind turbines
Capacitor Charger Unit (CCU)
Windurance has designed and validated a Capacitor Charger Unit (CCU) for the LiCAP Technologies, Inc. Wind Retrofit ultracapacitor sub-system. The wind retrofit is packaged as blade kits or full turbine kits to replace the pitch actuator batteries in GE model 1.x and 2.x wind turbines. See https://www.licaptech.com/wind-retrofit.

Fast and easy to install complete electromechanically package, CCU, brackets, cables
Robust electrical design tested to exceed IEC electrical immunity standards
Universal design serves 20Nm and 30Nm configurations
Lightning protection conforms to IEC 62305-1 standards
Robust wide operating voltage range protection from high line levels, and maintains operation at low line levels
Capacitor status monitoring
Tested to IEC 60068-2 Shock and Vibration standards